May 27, 2013

Rejected Mission: Enter Contests

I have never won anything in a contest. Really. Now, to be fair, I also don't play them very often. After coming across this blog where this guy entered a contest a day for a year, I thought I would try to enter some contests.

But, then I worried - how much of my information is going to be thrown out there? How much span and junk mail am I going to get? How many calls? What is the risk of me handing over my stuff?

Some of my friends say they don't really care if their information gets out there. Who cares if Macy's knows where you live?

I am not a criminal mastermind. So I protect my stuff when I can. If someone wants it, they will get it. I don't have to just hand it over, though. Just because I put no value on certain bits of information, it doesn't mean someone else can't take it and use it in ways I would not want it used. I will error on the side of caution when I can.

I think there is some safety in numbers. Like if a retail store gets hacked and 1,000,000 credit card numbers are released into the world of the criminal, what are the odds my bank account will be drained? If I am one of a million people - how can that really be bad?

Well - I don't want to enter a "contest" where the "winner" gets a bank account drained.

Contests are not altruistic things. They are data mining operations. You need to provide a set bit of information which can be worth a lot more than a $5,000 payout. Trust me, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

It actually takes very little from you for someone to pinpoint your location. For example, at the store, if you pay with a card and they ask you for your zip code, it's really not to protect you. It's because the store now has your credit card number and your billing (home) zipcode. Match these two things up and - BAM - you are getting contacted by that store and maybe they even sold the information to another agency and you have a ton more junk mail.

In fact, even Facebook in on this. I don't like cancer either, but, not only will clicking "Like" on some bald girls picture do nothing for or against cancer, it also is another data mining operations. A page can be created by anyone - let's call it Help Babies Fight Cancer - and a post goes out with a picture of some child in a hospital labeled, "If this page gets 100,000 likes, Daisy will know she is beautiful." Well, 100,000 likes equals $200 dollars when the page is sold to a commercial entity which then has access to your Facebook information.

You can read more on Yahoo! - Why 'Liking' Facebook virals makes scammers rich
Friend: OMG, like these pages to show you care. By the way, that Do No Call List doesn't work.
Me: No kidding?
Trickery in Contests
First, I am not a fan of giving up a ton of my information. I can avoid junk email through my gmail account but I don't really want to get a ton of junk mail in my mailbox.

I find even when you click "don't send me stuff" stuff is sent to you. Read this statement:
Please understand that if you opt out of receiving promotional correspondence from us, we may still contact you in connection with your relationship, activities, transactions and communications with us. Also, if you have granted us permission to share your Personal Information with third party entities for their marketing purposes, you should contact those entities directly regarding any communications you may receive from them.
I think it's weird. I know companies sell lists for money to other companies who will send you promotional junk to get your money. I often wonder how much money a company would spend on buying information, printing and shipping promotional materials to people who don't want it.

One of the ways around this is by connecting to Facebook. Most of us have a Facebook page, right? I think it's a cool tool, mind you. But, when you give someone or something access to it, it is like giving the key to your home to someone - access to everything! It is pretty easy - a one click action enters you and you go about your business while some company is going through you information. Hence you will see these things:
Entering is easy. Just log in or connect with your Facebook account to register even faster.
It doesn't make me want to buy more of your stuff if you bomb my box with glossy paper.

Actually, when I had rats, I used the junk mail as a fun toy for them. In winter, it makes good kindling for a fire - but it's summer.

No, Facebook is not the devil. Facebook and these enterprises are doing what they do. I like my Facebook - I like keeping in touch with people in this way. I think how the user uses these tools makes the difference. I think taking some time to understand - with a healthy dose of suspicion - can go a long way.

I'm not going to enter your contests. I am not going to link Facebook to other accounts. I am not going to like pictures from whatever tragedy to show my support. I will reach out and donate my time and money to proven organizations. I will do my best to protect my information. It's an imperfect art to me.

Mission Level?
Me entering contests - I am going to decline this time, folks.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at with your suggestion.


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