May 13, 2013

Commentary on Abercrombie & Fitch

So, Abercrombie & Fitch came out saying how they only want model-like people, and women under a size XL to wear their clothes. I actually respect A&F for their stance - or the CEO's stance.

Let's just be honest. This company wants a certain brand out there.


I don't think wearing or not wearing A&F impacts the quality of your soul.

I accept that certain companies target certain types of people, it's cool. I may or may not be in that target group. That doesn't mean I am better or worse for it – the only thing that decides my worth is my behavior. What I do in the skin I am in is much more important that what I wear.

Anyone who thinks because A&F doesn't carry his/her size some type of self-worth is reflected really has been taught the wrong message. Some people, some groups and some companies just don't like you. At least we can be honest about our likes and dislikes, our body size and even our vanity.

I know there are a lot of people who deal with issues of self-worth and have eating disorders or other issues. This is a separate issue which cannot be solved by changing the world to accommodate imbalance. It has to start on the inside of those people. It does hurt me when I know someone struggles with an internal issue and believes this issue can be solved through an acceptance of an outside entity.

Sometimes there is no acceptance. And there is a deeper issue when the statement, “Man, if I only fit into A&F jeans, my life would be worthwhile!” than the sizes a manufacturer carries.

I use to think if I just washed my hands one more time I would find peace. I didn't find my solution in soap bubbles anymore than someone will find a peace in a cotton-spandex fabric blend.

Let's just be honest and learn to deal with things that are not always going to be the way we want, people not always responding the way we wish and the world not being a slave to anxiety.

Learning to be truly tolerant – truly tolerant – is to accept people have different views on the world. I don’t have to agree with A&F to be tolerant of its business model, public statements or other choices.

Every person has the power to buy or not buy from this company. And I think it's a choice, like any choice. I'm glad we have choice. We can include or exclude whoever we want and we have to deal with the rewards and the consequences of this. Not everyone is going to cater to you. Not everyone is going to like you. Some people are going to cater to you. Some are going to adore you.

And you know what? Both things are ok.

My Facebook status escalated rather quickly when I posted my thoughts, however.

This escalated rather quickly

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