My Bio

You want to know more about me? The whole blog is about me, isn't it?

Well, hello. Here's a quick primer as to who I am!

I'm a swashbuckling, bike riding, food lovin', animal lovin', PBS watching gal living outside the major metropolis of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

The point of this blog is really to convince people I'm not weird.

I keep house with lots of color and a good deal of sass and snark. And a cat. And a husband. By day I work in the training department of a major healthcare provider - by night. .well. .that's my business.

Otherwise, I am on my couch, smooching my uber-handsome husband or convincing people I'm not weird.

And back to the blog we go.

Sure, life is an adventure, but, sometimes it's a little more so for me.

I'm a pro
I was given six months to live in 2007 after I contracted Lyme DiseaseBartonella and Babesiosis - mostly because it is assumed I contracted them in 1996 - what with that being the point my health took a pretty sharp downward spiral for ten (10) years. You can see clips of that story and how that felt in from my Lyme Files page.

At diagnosis, I was given a 40% chance of ever recovering even with aggressive treatment. I mean, you know, if I survived the first four months of the aggressive treatment.

Hot dog!  

After about five solid years of treatments and five relapses, I was given my all-clear in December 20, 2010 and I have been attempting to live a normal life which has been mostly trying to repair all the damage done to my body.

Well, not entirely normal - what with the Adrenal Fatigue and social awkwardness and things I eat and unholy love of potato chips. And weirdness. 

If you want to tell me something, feel free to email me. 

The views expressed in this site are entirely my own - or someone else's views that I thought were cool. Sometimes, they aren't my ideas. I also reserve the right to change my mind at anytime.


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