Feb 27, 2015

Things I Eat: Raw Brownies

Me: Uhh. . .What do normal people eat? I can do raw vegan brownies.
D: By RAW you mean, organic ….. of are you thinking of just bringing In the Batter to sell lol
Me: WHOA, missy. No, I mean raw as in uncooked. I make a lot of raw desserts. I don’t freaking have time to. . .what. . .turn on an oven? WHOA. I like things to be the shortest distance between acquisition and my mouth. The brownies I make require no cooking. They are perfectly acceptable to eat raw I’m going to. . . .Blow. Your. Mind.
Isn't this how all charity bake sale conversations go in the world? No? Yes? Maybe? I'm not even going to talk about how the words "raw" and "organic" and stuff like that have been so miscombobulated, we don't even know what anything means.

I cannot take any credit for this, by the way. It is a recipe by Emily von Euw. Really, can't prefect it anymore than it already is.

What You Need

  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 cup cashews 
  • 2 cups dates (pitted, I also chopped them up a little)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder (you can use a little more or less)
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons ground coffee beans (optional but recommended)
  • Pinch of salt

What You Do
What I did – first, I did soak the cashews for the first batch. It didn’t make any difference. Note to self.

Then I did cut up my dates into 6ths? I’m not sure. I found if I cut up the date, in half and maybe half again, they processes better and I get a better measurement of them. I used a carton of dates from Wegmans – it was about 10.5oz.

Beyond that, I put everything into mu food processor and blend, blend, blend!

It turned into a pretty dark mixture pretty fast. I think I added a little more coconut oil but it was pretty sticky and the cashews were pretty chopped up.

I did handle the dough a bit and rolled it out. I did my best to cut it into squares but I suck at so many things. It is easier to roll it out and then pop it in the fridge (per the recipe) then cut and serve. The cold helps make it easier to cut and handle, you don’t need to keep it refrigerated.

The Bake Sale
For the bake sale, most of my stuff went. I had a couple bags of it left over which I ate. As someone who doesn't like chocolate, these were actually pretty good. I enjoyed. I would eat again. And make.

I did put out a small plate with free sample and that really helped. So many people get turned off by the word “vegan” it’s crazy! When they sampled, they liked it. Most went on to get donuts and the store-bought stuff but some did buy my brownies. Nice!

Even my Honey Badger loved 'em!


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