Mar 2, 2015

Re-post: Hunting a Silent Killer

My own medical situation made me get tested for hepatitis - and I never realized how silent or deadly the hepatitis group is. If you are reading this, I would encourage you to get tested.

Get tested and don't be shy because:
  • Looking out for your health and the health of others is heroic. It's a dying art in this world, sometimes. Get yourself a hep and Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD) check because knowing is important. You might also find in a blood workup something else that will make your life easier and your health better.
  • Yes, hep C is transferred through the sharing of bodily fluids. Who you choose to share your fluids and items that contain your fluids is your business - it doesn't make you a better or worse person if because you do this. What makes you a bad person is not being tested. What makes you a hero is bravely baring your arm for a blood test and answers.

Get to the doctor or a clinic and get tested STDs, heps, organ function, cholesterol - everything and anything. If everything in your system is normal, you will have created a benchmark. If your health goes down later down the line, you will always have a medical snapshot from that test that can be very helpful to the medical community. 

For more information on the dangers of hepatitis C and being diagnosed - both for yourself and for a potential partner or family member - read the article linked below.

Let's look out for ourselves and each other and not pretend we are immune to life.


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