Feb 2, 2015

Oh the Humanity

I might be a little in love with Cards Against Humanity. I don't have many people to play with. I think most of the games I like are rated lowly by others - if you remember, I often try to play with my cat, Lucky. . .

Thankfully, I work with people who totally are as horrible as me. Now we can make horrible choices - together.

I think it's a really fun 

game, but not for everyone. This game has been out for a while and is a way I can gain friends in my husband's family since they are all very game oriented. In my family, we are drinking-n-appetizer oriented.

What I will mention that really got me grinning is all the little details on the box and in the instructions that show some real creativity and spunk. I like these things. I like Easter eggs in life and I love it when people don't take themselves too seriously.

Now, back to tough decisions. . .


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