Jun 10, 2013

Dress [Work] Appropriate

I am in no way a fashion person, but I do like to look and feel good. I like to dress appropriately for the situations I am in. Work is one of those areas.

I have only worked in highly casual areas of companies, so, jeans were good to wear. However, I did notice
my look-good-feel-good connection was dwindling as more and more people were taking casual to newer, lower levels.

I don't think we are re-defining "casual" - I think it is just really easy to get lazy. I know this because sloth is my favorite of the deadly sins and I have gotten lazy in how I dress on many occasions. I always snap back when I think - why do you want to present yourself badly to those who control your income?

After all, I have a big mouth and I'm clumsy. I really can't be dressing sloppy when I know I'm going to mess up 500 work related things a day. If I can control how I look - if I can make it look like I belong in corporate America - maybe it will dull the fact I just erased the Internet.

Here are some rules for buying clothes.
  • Thou shall only buy clothes that fit. If you need to go a size up, do it! It's better to look good that be obsessed with a size. When trying things on, get the size you think you should wear and then one up and maybe one down so you know how everything fits and lays.
  • Thou shall not be a slave to trends. A couple pieces of trend clothing is great to spice up your wardrobe but your wardrobe should be made up of at least 80% basics. This will stretch your budget and then you an always build off it.
Here are a couple rules to keep you honest in this "casual workplace" world:
  • No dual purpose clothes. Never wear anything you would wear to the gym, beach or with puky babies. This includes flip-flops. Sorry, I am anti-workplace flip-flops. On an unrelated note, I am pro-pedicure. 
  • Work then dress. The quality and statement of your work should always surpass your clothes. Don't dress like you are some type of CEO, do work that makes people want you to be the CEO. Don't go to work proving you are sexy - work to prove you belong there.
  • Dress for you. Some say, "Dress for the job you want." No. Dress appropriately for the role you are in and keep yourself professional looking so those who make the decisions to promote will have a good impression of you. Then let your work speak. If you work in a casual place and wear a tux hoping to be promoted - it will be weird. 
  • Take pride. Bad day = sweats? Stop. Take pride in how you look in the workplace, even on bad days. 
Mad Maddie rules - here is what I live by:

  • No flip-flops: Really. None.
  • Pantsless Wednesday: Every Wednesday (almost) I wear a dress. At least once a week, I dress up like I am going to be meeting the CEO or going to an important meeting. It keeps me honest. You could also check out when I wore a dress everyday for a week in my 7 Days - No Pants post.
  • Cover up: Side on the side of modesty - cover shoulders, no cleavage and nothing tight fitting. It might not be how I would dress for a night on the town or on the weekends, it is how I dress for work.
  • Be Comfortable: I refuse to wear things that are uncomfortable. Shoes, pants, shirts, bras - whatever. Life is uncomfortable, there is no need for me to create more discomfort. If an article of clothing is not comfortable and work appropriate, I donate it. 
  • Avoid Trends: I just avoid them in my work attire. I want classic things I don't have to re-buy every season or so. I can trend-it-up on my off time, at work, I will stick to things I can always wear. This doesn't mean I don't adore and wear brightly colored pumps or have no flare - I just make sure to reduce anything that would "date" me.
What are some of your work dos and don'ts? What do you do if you have a co-worker who dresses inappropriately? Do you say nasty things behind his/her back or do you talk to him/her about it. Is there any way a company can nicely enforce a dress-code? 

Leave me a comment!

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Image Credit
Image of dress types from whatcanyoudowiththat.com
Flip flops from thehouseofbeck.com


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