Oct 2, 2015

Things I Eat: Chicken Soup

Just when you thought you couldn't be having a more super-awesome life - you get thrush. You wanna WebMD that? Here you go - Side Effects of Life: Thrush.

Gross? Well, life is gross. Get over it.

But, food be thine medicine and when you have a gut infection, it's a good idea to do three things:

  • Take medication - I have a standing script for fluconazole and nystatin
  • Rest - Duck you. 
  • Eat well -.. .ok.

With a candida infection, you need to cut out a lot of sugar - which includes SUGAR and things like corn, potatoes, rice. I like to make myself a big ol' pot of chicken soup.

What You Need

  • Chicken: I got chicken breasts, you want to make sure you have the bone in. I have used thighs, drumsticks, whole chickens and boneless. You want bone-in something. 
  • Onions: They cure everything. 
  • Carrots: No, I didn't have any. They are also a little sugar. So, all's good. You can add them.
  • Parsnips: Delicious white carrots. 
  • Italian parsley: There is more than one type of parsley - I like Italian instead of curly. 
  • Celery: I had some from the farm share program thing I do. 
What You Do
Get a big pot. Chop up the onions, carrots, parsnips, celery and throw them into the pot. Throw in the parsley but make sure you remove any metal bits or twist ties. You can tie a bunch together with twine made for that purpose. I just let it go in there all free and natural. Then put the chicken in there. Then cover everything with water. Then boil it for at least an hour. Or longer.

It's tough to mess this up. Things will eventually start just falling apart. I like to bring out the chicken and (after it cools a little) remove the bones and then put it back. You can keep cooling until the chicken has started to shred or you can keep larger pieces. If the chicken is NOT cooked, keep cooking. 

It makes a lot of soup. A lot. Freeze some. Or eat it all. I'm not going to tell you how to live.

When I was feeling better, I also toasted up some Brown Rice Tortillas from Trader Joe's with a layer of Earth Balance Soy Free Buttery Spread with a healthy layer of onion powder, touch of garlic powder and sprinkle of salt. 

I hate soup, but, this is good for my tummy and actually delicious. I even took time off from writing to enjoy - as you can tell by the computer under my dish. 



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