Jan 7, 2013

Sickness Strikes the 7 Day Core Challenge

After I said I was going to do the 7 Day Core Challenge I ended up getting sick and nothing got done. This was not some blow New Years Resolution type thing, just couldn't move off the couch or bed. Anyhow, I am back to full health and will actually report on this next week.

I don't remember the last time I was "sick" with some type of flu or temporary illness that lasts a couple days or a week rather than 10 years. However, the first chills first made me think it was anemia - I had that before. I thought maybe the Babesiosis had come back and was making its presence known. 

Two days later, I was better, so, that was nice. I'm glad most of my fear remains in the back of my thoughts not the front.

Sick Time
Being sick sucks - having people care about you can actually remove a lot of the loneliness of being cooped up and not able to do much. Ultimately, if the sickness becomes a more drawn out thing, emotions and feelings getting cooped up as much as the body and start to shred the spirit without an outlet. 

The trick to dealing with sick people, flu or cold to something more intense is to do things without expectation. If you know someone who is sick, reach out even if you don't get a reply. Let the sicky hate you, ignore you or cry on your shoulder - when you are getting a reaction (yes, being ignored is a reaction) you are letting some of that emotion that is cooped up out. Don't take the reaction personally. Yeah, it takes a pretty big person to stick by someone who is really long-term sick. 

When dealing with people who have a chronic condition or what is known as an "invisible condition" - if it is you or you know someone - you might want to check out this site, But You Don't Look Sick which gives some good advice. It's not bad advice for someone who might actually just have a bad flu, by the way. Empathy is always a good thing.

Manda and a Mild Flu
I did go a little stir crazy with a mixture of anxiety and loneliness. I wasn't about to suggest anyone come over since I was miserable and didn't want to pass what I had on. 

I rearranged my living room to a set-up I thought would work a lot better than what I had for the past four or five years. I don't know why I waited so long to do it. It wasn't that hard and I got to clean some spots I couldn't before because of where my furniture was. 

I also had to disconnect my TV and then hook it back up.

So bear with me a second - this type of thing is something I never thought I was good with. I think part of it is because I am a girl and part of my upbringing was moving furniture and electronics was a male thing and part was my own "I never did this before," and the fear of the unknown. I can still remember when I had to take two breaks walking up 13 stairs. I remember not buying things I needed because I knew I would never be able to retain the directions or have the mental strength to put it together.

And I felt like a loser turning on my TV after the move.

Crippling depression. . .
But I even figured out and with a little dedication, I was able to figure out I plugged the cable into the wrong input. Vola! I have a new living room. 

I think it is very easy to accept things that are ok but not super - like my living room. I think it is easy to dream about something better without putting it into practice - like me thinking about this new arrangement for the last four to five years. I think giving it all a try, however, even if it fails a bit or is harder things can be a lot better. I did mix up some cables and I needed some tools and I got dirty. All these things, easily fixed. 

So, I failed at the core workout. I gained a new living room which makes my soul happy. And my neck. I think more people should try for things. Not always HUGE thing like world travel or quitting you job to join the circus but little things that you touch everyday.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.


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