Jun 3, 2012

Manda's Century: Get It Together

Let's just start off by reminding you, dear reader, that the last time I had my adrenal crash it was after doing a 40mile/30mile combo ride over two weeks. I was quite tired after doing that same combo and quickly did no biking for the rest of the week. I also got a bit of a sore throat, so, I might be getting a little sick.

On Saturday, I did get out for a 30 mile ride. 

I wrote about my fear in my Fear and Adjustments and Miles and Fear posts. Fear is a strange monster. People say you have to face your fear but sometimes it can be almost impossible to see it pulling you in a certain direction. I know while there is a fine balance with my adrenal fatigue, I know I need to push against it in order to challenge my body to get stronger. 

I need to get stronger. 

The ride on Saturday was beautiful - a little chilly after such hot weather but it was still nice. I knew I had to do 30. I have to beat the 40mile/30mile combo ride issue. I could do 30 before and I am going to do it again. 

Cool and collected

Manda's Century
You can follow my biking adventures by checking out my Manda's Century Ride page. It lists (in convenient bullet form) the lessons I have learned and has links to each of my biking related posts.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.


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