Jun 5, 2015

Things I Eat: Sweet Beet Salad

As much as I don’t like Bed, Bath and Beyond, I also love it. I have been wanting to get a better  spiral veggie cutter for a while – ever since I figured out the Veggetti Spiral vegetable cutter was not good on harder veggies like sweet potatoes.

I love sweet potato. And hard things.

Anyhow, I picked up the Gefu 13410 Spiralfix Slicer because it said “POTATO” on the box. And I was totally ready to return it, too. TOTALLY READY.

Let’s get down to how I didn’t return it.

What You Need

  • ½ of a large beet
  • ½ a large sweet potato
  • Green beans (I had left over French cut green beans)

Beet Report
Have you ever eaten a beetroot? Maybe? Here’s the low-down. First, I got about three full beets – like with the tuber, stem and leaves – because you can eat the whole thing raw or cooked. The leaves are like any leafy green you might normally eat. The stems are also good. So, don’t throw anything you don’t use away right away.

The beet itself tastes very sweet and earthly. Normally, I have seen it as a slight garnish or served with a little cheese. Some people are turned off by beets because they can taste “like dirt” . . . that means “earthy.” It also tastes like sugar. Life is confusing.

Mixed with things, it really brings a great flavor out. Cheese, salad, meat. . .

Beets are pranksters. First, if you cut up a beet tuber, you’re going to find everything turns that red-purple of the beet. Beets love to color everything red. I suggest washing your hands a lot and don’t wear anything you don’t want stained – and/or be careful. Beets stain so well, they are used in clothing dye and as a natural food dye.

Beets don’t stop there, though. If you eat enough beets, you will turn your poop red. You are NOT dying; you are just being pranked by beets. In fact, in some natural health circles, they will have people eat half a raw beet after a bowl movement to see how long it takes things to move from top to bottom – if you get my drift. So, you know, if you eat beets, don’t be alarmed.

What You Do
Wash up everything – your equipment, you food. As my Dad says, “People with tuberculosis sneezed on this.” I would say, “TUBER-culosis?” 


Kidding, TB is a horrible diseases that killed many people (like 90% of people who got TB, died from TB and in Europe 1 in 6 people normally died from it) before a cure was found, and the first cure didn't really work and more people died. And people around the world still die from TB. It's a horrible way to go.

Even though I actually peel the first layer off of these things because. . .well. . .tuberculosis.

For this, I took the tuber part, the root, and just peeled it with my veggie peeler to get off the thin layer of skin. Then put it into my machine and (after savagely beating it with a can of cashews) got it secured into the. .mm. . handle part and turned it into noodle like awesomeness!

I cut my sweet potato in half, peeled it and did the same.

It was so pretty. Then I was like – “I like green” and threw in the leftover green beans since they were in the fridge, it was a nice cool salad!

Sure, you could add some spinach or other veggies. You could add the beet leaves. I did not add any dressing because there is a lot of flavor in this mixture already. Add some garlic, onion, seeds – go nuts! You can search for a raw beet and sweet potato salad online yourself and blend in whatever you want.

It was a nice cool salad just the way it was - I just ate this with gusto!! Totally didn’t need any oil or dressing AT ALL. You get so much flavor with these raw, cut gems.

Image Credits
GEFU Spiralfix Spiral Cutter from Amazon.com
The rest is from Wikipedia.
Crappy photos by me!


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