Oct 15, 2014

General Updates of the Happenin’s and Goin’s On

What's new and exciting? Well. .I can tell you want's happening with me. That's probably the sum total of the entertainment I can offer.

Unless someone tells me otherwise, the wedding seems to have worked and I am married.

The wedding was fine. I mean, when you are the people getting married, I don’t think you can enjoy it the same way a guest can. I heard good things.

Even though it is typical for people and the industry to say, "The wedding is about YOU" it's about the family. Honestly, if I had my "dream wedding" it would probably involve more eloping and less fuss and strange traditions.

I did do a couple odd traditions which people seemed to be happy to witness. I did realize as I was talking to the photographer and explaining how I was "quirky" that nothing about the world he was documenting was quirky. It was pretty stereotypical and traditional.

And, I did want it that way. I wanted that way because it made my guest comfortable and happy.

Some of the things I did do which I felt were insanely awkward or a little strange or nice but. . .not really the norm. IDK.

The Dress
Yes, I wore a white wedding dress. I was told I had to do this. First, Bob, the current husband, wanted it very badly. At least he said it was important to him. Everyone else mocked me and looked at me as if I grew another head because I wanted to wear a blush dress or a dress with some color. I don't normally wear white.

I did like my dress. It's the Allure 2600. I loved the lace. It was a Victorian like lace, not all flowers and whatnot. It reminded me of the starting of art deco - it was probably actually more Edwardian. Anyhow, it stretched a lot and I have a strong feeling I will look fat in a lot of pictures. It didn't fit too well across my hips, I thought. Whatever, everyone says a bride is beautiful. I did notice the fit before. . .I didn't say anything. My bad.

I probably should have got the photographer to get a picture of the lacework. But, then again, I can always look up stuff on the Internet. What good is a picture of lace? I do think after the wedding the dress gets encased in a sarcophagus of preservation never to be touched, seen or spoken of again.

Unless children are mentioned. In which case, the dress should somehow end up with children. IDK. It's a dress. I was going to cut it short and wear it on my anniversary. All my aunts were horrified at daring to deface the virginal cloth or use it for anything else but a closet stuffer.

Look - I'm not weird. These are all valid points.

The Ceremony
It went well. I laughed once when my cousin had to read Song of Songs:

Hark! my lover—here he comes springing across the
mountains, leaping across the hills.
My lover is like a gazelle or a young stag. . 
Bob did step on my train once and I almost fell over. That was also exciting. Otherwise, seemed like a good time. We were all married!

Notice how Bob looks like a more-handsome James Bond and I am funny. I mean, no one will find this picture that funny. Other than people who say it looks like me.

It totally does.

The first dance - Keep in mind, the sum total of my dance moves are:
  • O--/--<
  • O--\--<
  • O--/--<
  • (repeat)
I had a first dance with my husband - because that's somehow. . .important to people to see? I really have no idea. We also did the parent-child dance, together, where I danced with my father and Bob danced with his mother. His mother cried. My dad and I talked about when I was going to come over to do laundry.

I mean, you gotta use what time you have.

I didn't get to do much other dancing because we were talking to people and taking photos and all that. I did discover that my dance moves are best without music. I'm a fidgety person so that's really were I get most of my inspiration.

I attempted to dance with Melissa (from Texts with Melissa)'s dad. He can dance. I stood there awkwardly in formal-wear. It's hard to move in formal-wear.

Cutting of Ceremonial Pastry
I didn't really want to have a wedding cake but it was pretty important to Bob to have one and to cut it. I really, really don't understand the cake thing. I can't eat a lot of cake, and even this delicious creation from Sweet Freedom Bakery is not really good for me to eat. It contains bean flour. It is delicious and all that. You can see my review post called Things I Eat: Sweet Freedom Bakery where I write about them.

The official cutting of the ceremonially pasty - yep, that was. . .great. I now have 50lbs of ceremonially pastry. I learned from eating my birthday cake the downfalls of eating an entire cake in one sitting. Without a fork.

Seriously - do you want some wedding cake? No one really wants it because it's "vegan" and all that. People think it's bad. It is dense. And my friend who I was giving cake too decided he didn't like the aftertaste of the different flour.

Free cake!

I enjoyed my photographers - Daniel Fullam and Michael Handwerk who served as Dan's second guy. I think if I had been more "bride-ish" I would have given more direction about exact photos I wanted. I guess I really didn't want anything. Does that make sense?

I mean, I wanted some nice pictures. I don't photograph well. And I don't stage well. I know brides are suppose to want photos of someone helping them in a dress and getting ready. I just didn't want to be late and I got into my dress on my own.

I would have liked to get more pictures of the bridal party, but, people were drunk so there was no way to manage that.

I mean, I never had a photographer before. Maybe it was suppose to be a little awkward?

I hired Dan because he was more of a photojournalist. Just document the day. I might forget all about it. I mean, I wasn't really involved in the day - I was talking about the honeymoon every 10 minutes and the location. I don't know what actually happened at the wedding. I'm sort of looking forward to that.

Comments and Questions
Odd surprises from the peanut gallery after being married, oh, IDK, like five days:

When parking my car at my apartment:
D: Didn’t you get married?
M: I did, on Friday.
D: What are you doing here?
M: I live here. 

When arriving at work:
T: Didn't you get married?
M: I did, on Friday.
T: What are you doing here?
M: I work here. 

Well, five days into this thing. Marriage seems pretty easy.

Under control - true story! Things are going much better. I avoided some panic when I remind myself a strapless dress is fitted pretty tightly on the rib cage and that reduces the ability to draw in a full breath. You know. .after you have been climbing up and down stairs. I did feel it at the end of the wedding. I was afraid it would trigger some neuropathy but it didn't.

Currently, I only have some minor rib cage pain. So, things are back to the normal. I am happy to get back to eating my normal food for a little bit. We are going on a flitterwocken (honeymoon) but since we are driving, I think I can get myself some Manda-compliant food and keep my inners happy.

Otherwise, recovery has been good. I have lost a good amount of weight but I got rid of the fungal infection in my gut so I should be able to get back those pounds and reduce my bloat.

So, needless to say, I have been a little busy so this entry is not all sparkles and gumdrops. In fact, the next few probably won’t be, either. Let’s face it.

And now I’m hungry.



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