Mar 25, 2013

First Event - Registered!

I just signed up for my first bike ride of the season. It was one of those things where I was mentally on the fence. Did I really want to drag my bike out to some place, get lost, ride alone with packs of people then not be able to eat anything and head home with only some random picture and mis-sized t-shirt (if I can find where I get them) for my trouble?
Here we go!

No. Not really.

But, I’m trying to be more, mm, not that. So, I plunked down my $35 registration fee and I will be riding the 25 miles for Carol for Heart's Girls With Gears biking event. 

I did some friends if they wanted to come out with me, even reached out to this sports club I belong to through my job - so far, everyone has declined.

This sort of gives me a little fuel for the fire - if everyone is trapped in the same rhetoric I was in and can't get out of it, then maybe it's time to go against the current and do it.

My bike is currently in the shop getting a tune-up so it is all ready for my training. I'm pumped. The weather is getting nicer and I really want to get back into my training mindset. The winter off was sweet - I'm ready for a change. This year, I want to do a couple things:

Charity Events
When you have some skill or if you are trying to get in shape or anything, it’s not a bad idea to look for causes you want to support and sign up for those events. Your registration fee will then go to that cause.

You are also going to want to keep your receipts! Most of the time, these registration fees or any money you donate is tax deductible so you can get it back in the form of a tax refund. Not too bad. Every little bit helps, right?

Warning: The Right Charity
For motivation or inspiration, any event will do. If you are serious about your charitable donations and whatnot you are going to want to do some research on the event and the charity. Some the money is going to go to the event directly – understandable, besides, the PR from a really good event can bring a lot of education and awareness to a certain cause.

How we view those with more
However, you might want to poke around a little to see how much money is raised for the event and how much goes to actual research, treatment or helping others. You are going to want to make sure you verify your facts through at least two creditable sources. A while ago, this post/email went around with the salaries of CEOs from places like Goodwill and the American Red Cross – it was somewhat inaccurate and you can read about it here at

Make sure any statistics you are looking at are accurate, up-to-date and you are mostly looking at the percentage of money raised that goes directly to the cause. It doesn't matter if a CEO makes 1 million in total compensation (this is not a paycheck, alone – a monetary amount is assigned to health benefits and perks to create a “total compensation”) if the charity pours 99% of what it raises right into those who need the most help.

Warning: The Fundraising
Charities are, well, charities. I have found some great ones I would want to ride for but I can’t do it because the registration fee PLUS the required fundraising amount is more than I can swing.

I would love to participate in the Best Buddies Challenge but with a $50.00 registration fee plus a $1,550-$1,800.00 price tag for fundraising, I can’t do it. Remember, when you are fundraising, you can probably only hit one person up per event. If someone donates $50 to my MS City to Shore Century I can’t ask them to donate another $50 to my Tour DaVita ride and then another amount for another event. 

People aren't made of money. Choose wisely.

You can always self-fund, though. If I made a lot of money, I could just fund the Best Buddies Challenge myself or whatever. Sometimes, you might have to do that depending on your “fan base” and willingness of people to donate.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at with your suggestion.

Image Credit
Girls with Gears logo from
Money girl from


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