Mar 18, 2013

Run a Mile

At some point, running a 5K was going to be one of those things I was going to try. I'm not a runner for a couple reasons:
  • I want to protect my joints.
  • I hate jiggling.
  • I get bored. 
  • I have a pacing problem.
Not everyone is suppose to be a runner, I accept this rather than force myself into doing it. I did try running when I was cycling as part of a cross-training routine and got a couple blocks, then stopped and walked back home.

I'm a good sprinter but without context of my speed, I will burn myself out

Run the Mile
In high school, part of your yearly physical education was the day you had to run the mile. I never actually ran the mile, even in high school. I guess I was never taught how to run - I was never taught how to hold my arms or how to pace myself or even how to place my feet properly. I would start out at a "healthy trot" which would quickly become a dead sprint.

My goal was really only to beat the fat kid.

I like biking/cycling.

I can really open up on a bike and feel like I am making some good progress. I have a tracker on my handlebars which tells me how far I have gone and how fast. This allows me to not burn myself out and to push when I have to.

I am a fan of biking as an endurance sport - I am a fan of running as a sprinting sport. Once, someone said how all endurance athletes are running from something or trying to escape something. In my attempt to escape whatever I am running from, I can do it better on a bike than on foot.

Next up, car.

Treadmill Plus Vodka
While spending the evening with the hottest guy ever (that would be my forever humble boyfriend) we had some dinner and I was working on some vodka and diet coke, which is my drink of choice. I mention that I never actually ran a mile and I wondered if I could do it.

Now, my devastatingly handsome boyfriend runs 3 miles almost everyday. He has a treadmill.

When you have the chance at adventure, you really should leap at it. Sometimes it is easier than others and sometimes it is better to listen to the "NO" voice rather than the "Go for it!" voice. In this case, what else are you going to do on a Saturday night after a pasta dinner while sucking down some booze?

I pop up on the treadmill to give this whole "run a mile" thing a shot. I don't like to wear shoes, so, I just had socks on. I also was not in any type of workout clothes.

Vodka powered
He was going to set me at 3mph, but, I normally walk at that rate. Really, I walk fast. I am 200% business when walking and also suffer from people rage. He jacked it up to 4mph and I kept at a foxy trot seeing at what point my body would break down.

And. ..I ran a mile. I didn't even really pant that hard so I could have probably gone faster. I will note, according to RunKeeper I only burned 83 calories for my 15 minutes of activity. Whatever!

Future Plans
No, I probably won't be running a 5K alongside my guy. I am not going to be buying those monkey-toe shoes with the toes or a new pair of running sneakers.

I am glad I can run a mile - even though the next day I felt a little stiff after. I think if I am going to run, sticking to a treadmill is the best idea. I can pace myself better, watch TV so I have entertainment and I can run barefoot without worrying about cutting up my feet.

I could, possibly, run when I am over at my boyfriend's place. But, bike training will be starting soon so I will probably be resting when I am at his place.

But, hey. Yays! I ran my first mile EVER.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at with your suggestion.

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