May 9, 2016

Lyme Files: Lyme Disease Challenge

Now with extra insanity!
This is me, doing the Lyme Disease Challenge - yeah, I'm doing my part to take a bite out of Lyme!

You should do it!

You can load your video or picture on social media of your choice and call out someone to also take a bite out of Lyme! I called out strangers on Twitter and people I hardly talk to on Facebook because I feel like - if we are friends. . .right? That means something.

I also forced a baby, 5-year-old and my BFF to do it. One out of three of them was drunk at the time. You know what goes really great with lime? Gin!

Here are the details about the challenge in a simple graphic:

And here is the official video of me really thinking a lime was going to taste a lot different. I really have no idea why.  

"Where's my gin?!"\

If you need some Lyme facts - check out all my Lyme posts at The Lyme Files. Because I forgot that part. Totally. Forgot. Maybe you should share a fact first.

YES. Share the fact FIRST.

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