Aug 22, 2014

Things I Eat: Roasted Broccoli and Potato

Shut. The front door.

Want to eat more veggies? Hold the phone and read on to discover the beauty that is fuel for your mind, body and spirit! How about a tango of taste-bud joyfulness that’s packed with super-more green stuff than. .well . .other things.

I have no idea what to call it. I just make it. I don't name stars in the sky and I don't name things that silence me because I shove them in my mouth at an alarming rate.

What You Need

  • Red bliss potatoes: How many people are you feeding? I used about a pound? Maybe. I eat a lot. Red bliss is also my favorite. I find them more flavorful. But, you could use other types.
  • Broccoli: I used one pound of the frozen floret type from Trader Joes. I can eat a pound on my own. 
  • Red pepper: I used one large red pepper.
  • Spinach: A lot. Like. A lot. 
  • Tomato paste: About 1/4 cup or more.
  • Basil: Dried or fresh. I like both but I only used dried this time.
  • Olive oil: Everyone's friend. 
  • Garlic: Everyone's other friend.

What You Do
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

First, chop up the potatoes into bite-sized chunks and toss with some garlic and olive oil. Put on a foiled baking sheet and pop it into the oven. On another sheet, lay out the frozen broccoli on a foiled baking sheet and into the oven it goes, too. Why two baking sheets, 'cause it didn't all fit on to one.

If you use fresh or thawed broccoli, it will take a shorter time to cook, too.

Anyhow, roast all that up for about 25-30 minutes. You want the potatoes to start browning and the broccoli to start getting those delightful caramelized bits on the florets.

While all that is cooking, get out your food processor. You are going to use about 8 cups of raw spinach and a bit of olive oil and process that stuff up. Spinach reduces fairly quickly so you can eyeball it. You want to have enough to coat the potatoes and broccoli. Maybe just under a cup when all processed. Season in the processor with dried basil or just put in basil leaves.

Transfer your spinach puree to a bowl where you will eventually mix everything. Fold in some of that tomato paste. I used about 1/4 cup. You can do this to taste. The tomato paste will also give it a nice thickness and richness. You can season with salt or basil - remember, this coats everything so if you are tasting, this should be a little intense.

Chop up your red pepper - it should be raw because it will add a nice crunch. Add this to the spinach puree.

When the potatoes and broccoli are done, add them into the mixture. You know, mix it up. Serve!

Yes, this is vegan. Yes, this is awesome. Plus, because you blended the spinach, you are getting even more great veggies in every bite! The garlic potatoes will give you a nice, soft texture, the red peppers that sweet burst of crunch, the broccoli will surprise you with warmth and bits of caramelized greatness and the tomato paste will mellow everything as if it was butter!

This is a health-bomb you can eat all day! Loaded with all good things - no guilt, just amazingness!


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