Feb 19, 2014


Hey, I got a new look to my blog - it was about time.

So, listen, I have totally been slacking and out of it when it comes to working on this blog. Sure, I posted some thoughts, but, with a couple other people saying they need to get back into this sort of stuff, I think I need to give it a try again.

I am using what I learned about what I can and cannot do to make this blog somewhat better than it has been.

I have learned that my life is not that exciting - I am going to reduce the amount of posts to one a week on Wednesdays. That'll help keep the content coming at a consistent rate and help me actually generate some good stuff.

I hope you think about following me or giving me some tips. Keep a look out for me on Wednesdays!

The Adventure Continues
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something and write about it? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestions


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