Sep 17, 2014


So, there I was filling out this form to have some stuff shipped to me and after filling out countless lines of data, the dreaded "YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG!" pops up.

I scroll through everything and apparently I live in an invalid place.

Yes, I did fill out of the lines of data - just deleted them for the shot. 

I never felt so. . invalid.

This is how the robot apocalypse starts - because of our robot overloads, goods and services can no longer be provided at my place of lodgings. I can move into a human camp that is recognized or attempt to continue living through hunting and gathering.

Mail will be a thing of the past for me - the only communications will be electronic and those will be monitored.

My bank accounts will be drained due to my lack of a home address.

Food? I will be responsible for finding it - penniless, friends and family will be unable to find my invalid location.

Without a residence, I will be hunted by other humans who will be unable to extract taxes from my paycheck or, frankly, know how much to charge me.

. . .

Oh wait. . .

It went through.


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