Apr 29, 2013

Follow Up : No Pants

Mission Level: Mild success.

If you remember my 7 Days - No Pants post, it was a fun week.

I claim this as mildly successful because I wore dresses for four days out of five. There are two reasons
  1. I ran out of dresses I wanted to wear to work.
  2. I. . .was done with dresses by Thursday night.
Two sides of a delightful coin
I really was pumped about this challenge. I like looking nice as much as I like getting  dirty and I know in the summer when I am biking a lot I miss out on a lot of chances to look nice. I am either dressing in clothes I can jam in a gym bag when I change for biking or too tired to put something together.

Dresses are super easy. The only decisions I had to make was what shoes to wear and maybe what jewelry. Since I wear about .5 pieces of jewelry a day, I did not have to worry about accessorizing that way.

However, it was really nice to think that a ring, necklace or hair band was all I needed to sharpen up my look.

Shoes were also easy – black pumps. I have two. One is a low heel, one is a high heal. Black goes with everything and everyone looks good in a classic pump. CLASSIC pump. I don’t do that platform pump stuff. I don’t like it on myself. Too trendy for my budget.

Getting dressed in the morning was also super easy. My dresses are all one piece – I did not opt for my skirt-shirt combo even though I have a skirt I wear with a sweater. I didn't have to find some pants and then match it with a top and then maybe an under-shirt because the top is see-through and. . .yeah, totally didn't have to hunt for two or three pieces to put an outfit together.

A secret pro – I totally forgot both my manager and director were going to be in town all week. Looking professional is always nice around the higher-ups even though I work in a casual place.

I did have to shave. Everyday. Now, I like to have smooth legs but when you wear pants all the time, you can totally push that stuff off without too much of a problem. Especially when you want to sleep in. Another thing with shaving – it takes time and if you are tired and grumpy (and cold) in the morning, it’s sort of a pain.

Also, I know in the summer when I am biking I tend to look at my legs and think, “Man, how did I missed this whole patch for like a year? Who was going to tell me about this wookie on my leg?”

The work-around is often pantyhose. I did wear some pantyhose specifically so I didn't have to shave. In the winter, this is easy to get away with but once the weather gets really warm, no one wants to wear them. I do work in a cold office – but still, it’s odd sometimes.

I could not do half the stuff I normally do. And by normally, I had this 20lbs chocolate bunny I brought in for a fundraiser and in a dress and heels, I could not be lugging it around. It was an odd shape more so that heavy. In this way, I had to ask the guys I work with to help me out. They had no problem helping me out (dress or not) but I felt less efficient.

My new fav dress
As summer is coming. . .soon. I am going to wear more dresses. I always liked wearing them. While I do not like that I am a little more in-efficient, I was surprised how easy dresses are. I think I thought dresses were more difficult to pull off and never really "casual." I found wearing a dress made life a little easier in the morning. Also, by combing through what I had, I think I got a good idea of what I can throw a jacket over and be casual with verses being too sexy.

I really liked wearing my polka-dot dress with a skinny red belt and red heels. It is comfortable, easy and normally gets a couple compliments. Only takes me about two seconds in the morning to get ready.

I did like the compliments I got. I'm sort of vain that way.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Image Credit
Dress from plzbuynow.com

Apr 26, 2013

Write Letters

I have stationary. I like stationary. Nothing quite feels like 100% cotton paper. I like technology, too, don't get me wrong. Living through others through pictures and stores on Facebook really got me through some bad times.

And I'm noisy. Not about celebrities really, just the run-of-the-mill people who I met and hung out with at some point in my life.

But, I digress.

I use to work for Crane & Co when I graduated from college, so, I learned more about paper and etiquette. When you work retail full-time during the slow seasons, you can read all the books in the store and learn a lot.

A Love of Stationery
First, it is "stationery." "Stationary" means you aren't moving. I am a fan of not moving, though.

Paper porn
I like to go to the the Paper Source for my cards. I like to get a different color of card and envelope depending on my ever-changing mood. I normally pace back and forth the bank of cards and notes set out in rainbow fashion, delicately touching each and comparing the colors.
Clerk: Ma'am? Ma'am! Do you need help?
Manda: NO!
A lot of times, I look like 13-year-old boy trying to buy porn. I have accepted this.

I like stationary and I like writing notes. I really got into correspondence cards  couple years ago, I like a stout paper.

Why You Need Stationery
Spray of flowers
You should invest in a good stack of stationery. Not pre-printed, CVS thank you cards, either. I mean, plunk down a little money. Chances are, you are not writing that much, so, 15-20 pieces will last you a long time.

Get something blank. You want blank. If you end up doing a fold-over note, then maybe get some stylish thing on the front or a simple motif.

Why do you want blank cards when "Thank you" are so easy to find? Because then if you need a fast birthday card or sympathy card or sorry card, you can use them for everything.

How cool is a dragon?
Now, if you ever get anything from anyone or really (and I mean REALLY) want to be endeared in someone's heart, write a note. You don't even have to be that savvy in your word choice, just getting a hand-written note will earn you points with business people who have open jobs and potential lovers - and everything in between.

The Absence of Passion
I receive very few notes, mostly cards from relatives or an occasional "thank you" note if someone feels inclined. I must say, while I always do things because of who I am rather than what I assume I will get in return, I have been slipping in my letter and note writing.

I think part of it is because I get excited when I write something but I am forgetting what it is like to see someone writing to me. It's not a bitterness, it just a laziness because it takes too much energy to remember what it is like to get some awesome stationery in the mail with a nice hand-crafted note.

The Challenge
I would like to write more notes. If you email me or send me a message that you need a hand written note (and where to send it), I will send you one.

I know this is not a revolutionary idea. I know a lot of people are all for writing notes as some type of rebellion against social media and the worst that the Internet can produce.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.fer still stands, if you ask for a note,  I will send you one.

Image Credit
Some from Paper Source.
Some from Crane & CO

Apr 24, 2013

Sports Weekend: 5Ks and Bike Rides

My lover and I had quite an exciting and super athletic weekend. We are highly tuned, super buff and healthy type people, you know. Ripped, shredded and. . lean, mean fighting machines!
Me: Why didn't you tell me I had a cheese doodle crumbs all over me?
Him: I am just so use to seeing them on you.
Gone shortly after
But, seriously, we had a pretty busy weekend.

It all needed to start with some spaghetti with meat sauce. You need to make sure you get some good carbs, meat, veggies and all that good stuff into you the night before a big event. At least, I assume. I don’t know much about runners, but, bikers eat a lot. 

Food is fuel!

Go to a 5K
I hit a goal, this weekend - I went to a 5K. I didn’t run. I don’t actually run. I’m much more likely to stab you in the face with my stiletto heel than run from you. Unless you have doodles, then I think we would work whatever it was out.

My superhero-esque boyfriend ran in his first 5k of the season for the Clean Air Council. Who doesn't like clean air?

This was my first 5k that I have ever been too. It was cold. The whole weekend was cold. I was cold. Here are a couple things I learned (keep in mind, I only can compare and contrast running events to what I do know about – which is biking events)
  • It’s cold.
    The finish line goes both ways
  • There was no coffee – in fact, there was little to no food.
  • It only takes a maximum of 30 minutes.
  • People stop right after the finish line and do not fear someone running into them.
  • Runners make really funny faces.
  • Runners will stand at the finish line and look for other people who have not crossed the line without fear of being run over.
  • Some runners puke.

Do I have any wish to run a 5K? No.

Girls with Gears
I gotz my number
Sunday, it was my turn to rock the house! I went to the Girls With Gears even hosted by CAROL For Heart. This is a group that educates women (and men) on women's heart health. Who doesn't like a health heart? Anyhow, me and some co-workers signed up for this delightful ride about the countries of Pennsylvania.

I ended up mildly coasting around the fridge tundra-roads of Pennsylvania re-evaluating my life decisions. Totally was ready to give up at mile 2, I think. The whole tour started on an incline and the incline turned into a hill, an incline and another hill. It's times like these, I totally want to give up.

I'm graceful
Actually, the first 5 miles of every ride I want to give up. I then spend a good 2-3 miles coming up with every reason I should stop, how I am going to make up the ride later and how I hurt and need a rest. By then, I normally am feeling pretty good and after 7-8 miles, I figure I might as well do 10 miles - and so on.

It was cold. It was a cold weekend. I did not dress warmly enough but I did wear just about everything I had. I figured I would start moving and warm up. I think my toes are still cold.

I did a nice 25 miles. By nice I mean – there were two harsh hills at the start. I figured if the whole course was like that, I would die. Luckily, it turned out to be some nice rolling hills after the initial heart attack. My super-hero boyfriend snapped this awesome shot of me about 2 miles from the finish line-area-place while yelling, "I have coffee and cheese doodles for you." That's love right there.

Heading to the finish. . .area
I felt a lot better about my conditioning though I have a long ride to go if I am going to be riding 270 miles in an event in September followed by a century 10 days later.

Do you know you get stuff when you do events? I got a sweet water bottle (I only use them at home to prevent me from spilling water everywhere) a coaster, a magnet, a red-flashy light in the shape of a heart and a bunch of pamphlets.

One was for zip-lining.

Final Thoughts
My thoughts are never final!

I am not sure if I am going to be able to do everything on my list. I would have a metric century in a couple weeks (that's 62 miles) and I am not 100% confident it is a great idea. I will see how the coming weeks are.

I posted my wish-list on a post titled, My Year In Biking - but here is my master list!

Girls with Gears
Date: 4/21/2013
Route: 25 miles

Quad County Metric Ride 
Date: 5/11/2013
Route: 62 42 miles

Nockamixon Lake Century 
Date: 8/24/2013
Route: 100 miles

Tour DaVita
Date: 9/14/2013-9/18/2013
Route: 270 miles

MS City to Shore
Date: 9/28/2013
Route: 100 miles

Covered Bridges Ride
Date: 10/20/2013
Route: 33 miles

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Apr 22, 2013

Entry about Boston

After the bombings at the Boston Marathon, I ended up taking pen to paper and wrote this note - it was written on Monday, April 15, 2013. It was half in response to the outpouring of comments about how horrible the world was, half in response to what I knew would be a witch-hunt and cries of ultimate justice.

I know my views are not common when it comes to these things, but, I think this is what I would want to communicate to anyone who sets out in such a way to cause harm and chaos.

I do gain some comfort from two quotes:
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world. - Mr. Rogers
Also a less known and slightly corrupt proverb based on, what I believe, is a Chinese saying:
Without evil, good cannot triumph - without war there can be no peace.
What we value most in the world - love, peace, harmony - only exist because these are vulnerable and uncertain. However, so are the things we fear the most - hate, murder, chaos.



We don’t know each other; at least, I can only imagine we don’t know each other because I don’t live anywhere near Massachusetts.

I do know most people will fly to two extremes – one that announces the need for more love while announcing the need for your savage destruction. I do know other people will use this day as proof that they are justified in despising humanity.

Here is what I think – what I think you should know.

I know you wanted to do damage, to make an impact and you did. However, those who were killed, mangled and maimed, they will be remembered for every good deed they did. From the destruction left in the wake of the explosions, everyday, mild-mannered people became heroes, friends and supporters. Born on the ripples of tragedy, amazing things happened throughout the US.

I wish this outpouring of support and love that people are capable of had been apparent to you before things fractured and splintered in your own life and led you down a path that left you no other choice but to attack. I know I am guilty of pushing people aside or telling myself it is better to not be involved. It’s easier when things turn violent or vicious to claim it was evil-born or something out of my control and so far out of my reach. The truth is, there was probably one moment, one touch or one word that could have changed the course of events if someone had had the courage to reach out rather than walk away from you.

All life is worthwhile – and so is yours. But, you will never be known for any good you have done, you will only been classified by this deed. Your thoughts, your feelings, your message and your legacy will probably never be understood due to the chain of events that led you to the Boston Marathon. Just as those everyday people were turned into heroes in a single day due to your actions, you were turned into what we all fear – the absence of choice, the absence of love and the absence of reason.

At the end of this all - no one will really understand what you wanted to really communicate. It will be defined merely as "hate" rather than a true revolution of thought that could bring about change.

What is done is done. The manhunts, the accusations  the wishes of destruction on you are only the residual of what happened long before now. I hope, in some way, you can walk from your own darkness.


Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Apr 19, 2013

Journal Follow Up

Mission Level: Success

I wrote a post on me starting to journal - or learn how to journal - once I found this journal at Home Goods
Current state
for a really cheap price. You can read my first mention of it in my post called Journal. Odd, right? Anyhow, when I got it, I did print out a huge list of questions for me to use as a starting point for entries.

I have never had a journal before - I never spent time with something on hand and wrote stuff down. I did have some online diary type things and once when I was in middle school I got some type of rainbow-princess-secrets diary thing where I found I had nothing to write about. 

I did post on Facebook something about what I should use it for or write in it and someone said journaling is just like Facebook only private. 

Like Scrapbooking?
I have scrapbooked before. I actually have two albums of stuff - 12x12 pages - to document all the stuff I have done. And by "have done" I mean like. . .nothing to amazing. Mostly, I tried to find pictures of stuff and then built a page around it. 

I did complete a huge scrapbook project when my one friend got married. It was half a recipe book and half a scrapbook. 

It was intense. 

How Did It Go?
Actually, once I got that first entry out of the way - one of the stock ones from all those questions I printed
Thick with thoughts
out - I found it went rather well.

I found that the size of the book made entries easy to jot down when I came up with things I wanted to record. While I hoped there is something worthwhile here and there, I really just turned it into a place I would write down my thoughts on whatever topic. I don't quite use Facebook the same way. I would like to think I am one of those people who know how to keep it lively and not offensive.

I don't really require a soapbox.

I used those post-notes, by the way, to tag areas of things I was keeping track of. Like funny things my hunk-of-a-manfriend says to me or all the things I lose or questions I hate to be asked. I often found myself writing out more than one entry a day. Then I would have a day I would write nothing. I think this is a good ebb and flow of the creative (or not so creative) process.

I just turned the whole book into whatever. I even tried doodling in it when I was on the phone or to better illustrate a point (like my love of Trader Joe's and colorful socks).

That's some good journaling
I did treat this as my book so I put in some advice for myself.

This includes emotional hurt
I put in pictures that people printed out for me that I didn't want to throw away but had no other need for.

The person who gave me this knew me well
Sometimes, I found myself jotting down things I tell myself more than once when I am dealing with people or a stuck zipper or something.

And, yes, I filled it with pages of writing. One thought per page (couple exceptions) and none which I want to take a picture of - but here is an example.

I should fill up this journal before too long. I think I will get another. I like the idea of a mini-scrapbook and play area. I have totally used it to write down things I needed to remember and then referenced later. I wonder if I will remember all this stuff a year from now? Who knows

I would totally suggest you give this whole journal thing a try. I know it is not for everyone, but, even just as a place I can put in tickets, business cards or even write out what I really want to post on Facebook or when I have un-polished thoughts. . .it's a good thing. 

In fact, once I started it, I found my brain was getting more of a workout. That's always nice. 

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Apr 17, 2013

Hair Care: Finishing Spray

I have been looking for a finishing spray for my hair. To back up a moment, I find the reason I struggle the most with finding products I want is that I do not know the proper term to call them. Oftentimes, I have to ask people what something is called or describe it to a bunch of people before I get other terms to use to search.

Really, half the battle in this world is agreeing on a vocabulary.

I ended up going shopping with my insanely amazing boyfriend and after spending about 30 minutes in the vitamin aisle, I moved over to the hair care aisle to see what I could find. I have no desire to change my hair routine. 

This is my routine:
  • Shampoo with Brilliant Brunette.
  • Condition with Brilliant Brunette.
  • Smooth on some L'Oreal stuff – I think it’s this, but, my bottle looks different. Advanced Haircare Smooth Intense Frizz Taming Serum.
  • Blow-dry.
  • Get on with my life.
Unless it's the weekend, then it's anyone's game.

What I Want
I never had a complicated hair routine because when your hair gets really long, it just takes too long. When my hair is short, I just shampoo, condition and blow-dry. Remember, I donate chronically to Locks forLove (check out my Donate to Locks for Love post!), so, I’m really just a hair farmer.

Anyhow, I wanted a finishing spray I could use to help tame my frizz and give my hair some smoothness. I have pretty nice hair, I think. I don’t dye it or anything or overload it with stuff. I don’t know if I just lucked out or because I don’t do a lot with it, it remains healthy. However, I have wavy hair (use to be curly, after treatment it got less curly) and it tends to frizz out as it gets longer.

I don’t have nice, long hair. I have tangled, frizzy weird long hair. I even use a straightening iron on it without too much luck. In fact, I could spend an hour or more on my hair and it looks like I did nothing. I had an old co-worker ask me why I never did anything with my hair.

I died a little on the inside.

I use to use John Frieda Brilliant Brunette Satin Shine Finishing Creme (it's been discontinued) but I am not really that great with hair and makeup stuff, so, I would sort of get a couple clumps. I could never “work product through hair” so I gave up. I figured if I had a spray, I had a better chance of having some type of even control.

I actually have been enjoying this product. It has actually tamed my frizz and I don’t have tons of fly-away or softly levitating hair locks.

What I do not like is the fact that my hair feels a little more weighed down. I am so not used to having anything in my hair (never used hairspray  gel, etc) so when something is in there, I feel weird. I does smell like coconut, and I like coconut, but I am not sure I enjoy smelling like coconut. It’s a small price to pay.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Image Credit
Spray from organixhair.com/

Apr 15, 2013

7 Days - No Pants

Catchy title, eh? I have a new challenge!
Wear nothing but dresses for 7 days.
Not as dirty as you are probably thinking. My new challenge is to wear nothing but dresses for a week. You know, to get in touch with my feminine side.

I work at a place - and have mostly worked in places - where the dress code was "casual." You know, that type of casual that meant nice jeans are ok but some people get away with wearing sweats and borderline pajama type attire.

Real professional
I think it's great to be able to have a casual workplace, however; I also think business attire also sets a certain standard that can trickle into more professionalism.

Besides, when you dress nice and know you look good and have dressed appropriately for where you are, it can make you more confident.

For an added bonus, I am also going to dress in dresses for the weekend. I am allowing myself two "graces" which pretty much means most of the weekend I will not be in dresses, but I will try.

  • I will be at a 5k on Saturday in the city - I will probably not be in a dress. It's cold.
  • I have a biking event on Sunday - I will not be wearing a dress. 

History, Background and Whatnots
I actually own more than 7 dresses, but, I don't think I can wear them all to work. Please note on the following pictures - I actually still have and fit into all these dresses, but, my weight is hysterical!

I do have some rather formal type dresses that would fit challenge but would also not be right for work. Like this fine number.

I love the fridge

I also am not going to wear any of the dresses I had to purchase and wear for friends' weddings. I love my friends, totally. Maybe not going to wear these dresses again.

I'm happy
Being in a dress is tricky sometimes, might I add.

Ragin' maid
I am not going to be showing up to work in this lavender number, either. I never even had close to the boobs needed to pull it off. Yeah. . .I was also in the state of moving, hence the mess in the room.

There's a lot in the back

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Apr 12, 2013

Hey. Psst. Hey!

I need some ideas! What would you like to see me get involved in? Spring and summer is coming and I could use an adventure or two.

I have a devastatingly handsome boyfriend, by the way, he might be willing to come along as well.

So, email me here at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with what you would like me to do.

Ready for a challenge

Apr 10, 2013

Design a Logo

I took on the name Honey Badger as my team. By team, mind you, I mean me. I don’t really have a group or club or team that I belong to. At work, we have a club but since it is through work, there is some resistance in my mind about the name and the team, in general. Biking is one of those things that is mine and I get very protective over it.

Anyhow, for the MS City to Shore right this year, I actually have two people coming with me – and maybe more. For this group, I wanted to come up with a logo that wasn't something I stole off the internet.

Back Up a Step
If you do not know why the honey badger is such a hit these days - or was a hit, depending on if you are "over" the joke or not - you can check out what started it all on YouTube in the video titled: The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger (original narration by Randall)

Needing a Logo
So much like with a team, having one uniting logo can really inspire team spirit and a “we are in this together” spirit. This can also give individuals in the team something to hold on to when things get rough in training or during an event. When you are part of a team, you are part of something bigger than yourself and that can be the push people need to fight through physical and mental obstacles. 

It also sends a message to those around you that you are part of something. Having rode my first century alone, I can tell you I feel really alone surrounded by all these people in their team specific colors and jerseys. Not enough that I felt bad about myself, it just seemed like they were all part of something really cool.

Making a Logo
When coming up with a design, you have to think about what your team is and what it represents. We are team Honey Badgers and the obvious logo would be the actually honey badger. 

I have seen a lot of cool honey badger cartoons, drawings and logos and I know I cannot come up with something as awesome as all that. For one, I can’t draw. For twos, I don’t have access to amazing software to make something really awesome. 

If you remember, I use PowerPoint a lot – I had a post called Customized Desktop where I used it to achieve what I needed. I don’t have mad realistic design skills, only conceptual ones. 

But, back to the Honey Badgers.

Rather than try to find someone to draw for me – and ultimately probably not achieve the look I want – I boiled down the elements of what I liked about what I did see. I liked the crest idea – the medieval or ivy league look. I think the juxtaposition of something so noble looking and the grit of the honey badger is pretty cool. 

When You Can’t Draw
Right. I can’t. However, I can find some free items online and fake it. I found myself a shield outline, added the bars to create four sections. Why four? Four places I can represent stuff about the team. 

Again, I can’t draw and I don’t want to steal someone else’s work. I also want to be unique. Good thing there are a lot of free, no copyright stuff out there - at least, as far as I know using my due diligence and ClipArt.

Here is what I wanted in my crest:
  • Honey badger.
  • Winning.
  • Dominance.
  • Something hardcore.
  • Something with some white space, too.
This is what I ended up with – and I couldn't be prouder.

Go Honey Badgers!

Getting responses and edits from other people is always good. Especially when they love it. 


Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Image Credit
Honey badger from badassoftheweek.com

Apr 8, 2013

Lent – Fin

Well, lent is over. It was over a bit ago, but, I jammed all my biking posts into a week and I figured biking is more important than Easter. Right? Yeah, yeah, I know, when the lightening bolt hits me, you want to be as far away as possible. I get it.

Remember my post about lent? You can read up on my Surviving Lent – GO! post at your leisure.

How Did I Do?
I know I didn't eat any meat on Fridays, that’s for sure. I did eat a lot more potato chips, drank more soda and consumed more alcohol than before. And I ate meat on Wednesday. Actually, I failed lent pretty nicely.

I did try to fast, but, it didn't feel much like a fast because I was sort of only eating fruit at work when I started this and now I am still eating just fruit at work.

Basically, I failed lent. I didn't really feel like I sacrificed anything or got in touch with some deeper part of myself through reflection, prayer and whatnots.

Lucky Update
This all can be yours!

Lucky, of course, is a great cat. I took care of him, but, maybe not as good as I could have. I always worry that he is lonely when I am away. I assume he just sleeps but I bet he would like to have a real family to play with an maybe even a little yard to poke around in. He’s a pretty stellar cat.

‘Cept to my charming boyfriend. He hate that dude.

I did get a message from his original rescuer about making an appointment to get him tested for feline leukemia  I have a good feeling he will test negative and then he can go to anyone who is awesome and wants to take him.

Pulls at my heart strings just a little.

I had my first double Easter this year. I spent time at my Aunt’s house and then went to my dashing boyfriend’s Aunt’s house for a second Easter. I think I titled this year’s Easter as, “He Is Risen – Let’s Get Diabetes.” We ate a lot of food and won a lot of prizes – egg hunts, guessing how much candy is in a container, quizzes, giant chocolate rabbits, it was awesome.

And, while I was hungover for Palm Sunday at church, I was not hungover for Easter mass. Go me.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Apr 5, 2013

I’ve Been Foiled!

I must say, one thing I always am, is a good sport. Good, bad or whatever, I try to either keep the quintessential stiff upper lip or at least a positive attitude. I wonder about some people who can't roll with a punch or find the humor in a situation.

Desk Bomb
That's some nice work, boys
I took the day off after Easter and my coworkers the "Foil Troll" (who had nothing better to do) desk bombed me. It was a pretty impressive situation, actually, my entire desk was tin foiled.

You can see the dedication in the fact that every pen, post-note and even my magnets were foiled.

Nothing like walking into a silver wonderland on a Tuesday when you may or may not still be slightly hungover from a three day weekend with your super-hot boyfriend, family and friends - plus a delicious steak dinner and blueberry pie. . .but, I digress.

As an added bonus, they recorded my reaction as I came in to work.

It was a excellent job by the mysterious "Foil Troll" who seemed to have slipped past my coworkers while they were all in a meeting and did this. I don't know who this "Foil Troll" is - but I have strong suspicious s/he is friends with the tooth fairy. 

I actually was pretty impressed and besides being impressed I also felt kind of special that my coworkers "Foil Troll" would go through so much effort for a joke - even at my expense.

Another coworker who thought I would freak out about it said I was a "good sport" about it. Seriously, the only thing I am upset about is worrying that I won't be able to come up with a more impressive prank! If you think of one, please let me know!

I mean, I am a dedicated worker who sat right down and got to work with my normal grump face.

Manda at work!
Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Apr 3, 2013

Training: Safety Tips

As training begins for my biking adventures, I like to make sure I am prepared for a couple of things:
  • The physical activity.
  • The mental activity.
  • Injury.

Out of all of these, I think injury is the one most people overlook. I'm not talking about fractures, sprains or bruses - I'm talking about getting hurt and being unable to communicate the necessary information to medical workers or good Samaritans. 

Help Others Help You
I have known people seriously and critically injured engaging in sports/training outside (and in the gym) who would have been in a lot better shape had they been carrying PROPER and USEFUL identification.

A driver’s license and insurance card is a useless document in a crisis. There isn't any life saving information on either card. Also, having a little scrap of paper in a wallet is a needle in a haystack as far as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) is concerned.

EMTs are trained to look for usable medical and contact information on the wrist, ankle or around the neck in the event of a crisis.

Investing in a good sports ID tag should be a number one priority for events and training. A sports ID tag should have the following information:
  • Your name.
  • Year of birth (date, not so important).
  • City and state of residence (if you travel out of the country, add USA).
  • Two emergency numbers of people who actually are prepared to answer a call from an EMT/hospital and know they are your emergency contact.
  • Drug allergies or the message “No Known Drug Allergies (NKDA).”
  • Any medical conditions you have (Diabetes, Celiac, etc.)
  • Any medications you take (allergy medications, antidepressants, etc).
  • Special items – Do you wear contacts? Do you have missing or fake organs?
  • Blood type (this will first be verified, but, in a crisis, things can be prepared saving valuable time).

I suggest checking out vendors like RoadID.com and investing in an ID for yourself and/or those in your family.

(I suggest RoadID because they will donate part of your purchase to a charity of your choice and really help you determine what info to put on a tag – they also have a wide variety of styles and colors from bracelets to things you attach to your running shoes. However, there are other companies out there).

I always wear my tags. It makes me 200% cooler.

Some of my stuff
Other Thoughts
It's not a bad idea to get a little ID tag made up for yourself when you are traveling or for your children. 

If you travel and should ever be incapacitated, you can customize the information to be useful to those who would be trying to help you. 

If your children lost and too frightening to give useful information to those trying to help, this tag can be easily found and you can be contacted.

I also have been known to wear my tags when just walking around town or taking a ride in a car with someone. I don't like to carry a lot of things so my tags give me a nice piece of mind.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.

Apr 1, 2013

My Year In Biking

This week is all about my future biking adventures – can you feel the excitement? Probably not. Trust me, I’m excited. Nothing like talking about biking and planning out my rides.

I think I actually have a group of people who might stick with me this year and be as passionate about biking as either I am or a little more. I think that will be both a good and bad thing.
  • Good: I have someone to be accountable to, learn from and be a team with. 
  • Bad: I am use of doing my own thing in my own time. With others around, I have to be a team player.
Well, I think I just maxed out all I can do on a bike in a year. It reminds me of a text I once got. .

Seems reasonable
Here is what my schedule looks like – and by schedule I mean the things I am going to sign up for or have signed up for a need to train for.

Girls with Gears
Date: 4/21/2013
Route: 25 miles

Quad County Metric Ride 
Date: 5/11/2013
Route: 62 miles

Nockamixon Lake Century 
Date: 8/24/2013
Route: 100 miles

Tour DaVita
Date: 9/14/2013-9/18/2013
Route: 270 miles

MS City to Shore
Date: 9/28/2013
Route: 100 miles

Covered Bridges Ride
Date: 10/20/2013
Route: 33 miles

So that means I have 590 miles booked in just tours alone. I mean, I rode a total of 1,587 last year. Whatever! I am most likely to crap out on the Quad and Nock. I wonder if other people will want to come along with me – drafting will make a huge difference. I know the people most likely to want to come with me are going to be those who are much more advanced than me – that means I overdo it trying to keep up or might as well do everything alone.

None of these people know my issue.

I was looking over my old blog posts from my first century last year (you can read them from my Manda's Century page) and I found it sort of fun and learn-ish. I guess I will continue posting some stuff here. I really would like to document my (adrenal) crashes more. Even though, with my model-like boyfriend sticking around, I am trying to be more careful with myself.

I don’t think it is fair to subject people who love you to. . . wait a minute. That’s a lie. If I’m miserable, everyone should be miserable!

Take Aways
Here is what I am focusing on this year.
  • Eating: I found once I stopped biking, I lost about 25lbs. One was because my thyroid woke up and started doing its business, the other was I stopped eating. I track what I eat on MyFitnessPal and I sometimes eat a couple hundred calories. I need to make sure I am fueling my body correctly. 
  • Structure: I actually stepped aside with a lot of my volunteering so I would be free to ride and live a normal-ish life. I can set up a better schedule. I also don’t have to worry about dating – and I mean, the boyfriend said he would do the MS City to Shore with me and already laughed for about 10 minutes the first time he saw me in biking clothes.
  • Medication: I am going to do better with my meds. I am going to do awesome with my supplements and I am going to be careful with myself. Even typing out that list spawned a little patch of neuropathy at my neck so I am going to be gentle with myself. I often write off “emotional” things but those are chemically induced and that can wreck me. 
  • Truth: Winners (in life) never lie to themselves. I can’t lie about my condition and how I have to manage it. I also need to be truthful with those around me if I am going to be on a team. I know how to handle my breakdowns, I don’t know how to handle other people handling my breakdowns. 
  • Logo: I am totally going to come up with a great name for my “team” and a logo. Yeah!

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.