Sep 16, 2015


Orignally, I thought that the word "polyvore" meant something like many loves. Then I remembered that was "Polyamory" and. . .ok, so, on to Polyvore!

Polyvore is a community powered social commerce website. Members curate products into a shared product index and use them to create image collages called "Sets."
That pretty much sums it up. I found this site a while ago. The site was founded in August 2006. I found it in like. . .2014.

I enjoy it for two reasons - I can play around and create outfits and by "liking" the items, I will get emails when they go on sale. Unlike places like Pintrest (which I hate) you can always find exactly where to buy the item and you have a quick method for going to the site where the item is sold.

You can also create sets base on decor or art or beauty - things I currently care less about. But sort of do. I'm a moving target.

If you like to window shop - check out how us normal folk would like to dress - and also know where to buy items, I suggest it. You can find me and enjoy all my fashion choices at The Maddy Maddie.

Here are some of my favorites!

Lately, I have been into dots. I have many three outfits with dots. Anyhow, this seems pretty classic - a good entrance into using a statement skirt.

As an example, you can check out all the peices I used to create this set and if you were on the app or in the site, you could click and go to buy any of these items. Pretty cool for a site!

Studio Uniform
I do voiceover work for work at work - it's not my job, it's just what I do. This might be what I have going on because the studio is COLD.

April Showers
I loved this top with the umbrella pattern - a fitted vest with a pink flower would be adorable. I love a bright colored pump - and that wooden purse was just too adorable to avoid.

If you happen to open an account at Polyvore - make sure to find me and follow. I'll follow you back. Unless I forget.


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