Sep 14, 2015

Obligatory Birthday Post: Part 2

Now with less obligatory!

One of my birthday traditions that I have been doing for. . .a while now. . .I donate my age in dollars to some place I haven't donated before.

Last year, I donated $34 to a local rescue which provided medical treatments for injured Labrador Retrievers.

Places I have donated in 2015 include:

This year, I added a special twist! I normally ask friends on FaceBook or Twitter to recommend places to donate - and this year, I added the person who I picked should match my donation. That would mean $70 would go to charity.

(Drum roll please)

Due to two people saying they would match my donation - I picked PALS! Finally, something about my birthday I can feel happy about. Giving back.

Maybe you all should start donating your age to a local charity or program. It's actually pretty fun and a nice legacy to leave even if it seems small. You could even get kids involved by giving them a couple bucks for their birthday and asking where they would like to donate it - great way to raise social awareness.


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