Jun 19, 2015

Things I Eat: My New Dealer of Fine Oils

Due to my awesome food restrictions but need to eat, I am a fan of flavored and infused oils. The ability to get usable flavored oils is a little limited, I find. Sure, I can find the artsy-fartys weird shaped bottles of “oil” that no one uses because the bottles are all shaped weird, painted or filled with pretty floating things.

I need real flavored oils for my mouth. Enter Bella Oliva – YES you can shop online.  

Even better - you can actually TASTE anything and everything in the store. Ok, maybe not some of the spreads, but, the oils. Which I care about. It's so nice to be able to really taste a product before taking it home.

My biggest find to date is the butter EVOO which is best described by them as:
This all natural, creamy extra virgin olive oil is naturally infused with the rich flavor of butter. Use this golden, vegetarian, dairy free olive oil as a butter substitute in baking or anywhere you might use melted butter, including: over hot popcorn, with seafood, to dip bread in, over pasta, in mashed potatoes or rice. Made from premium, ultra fresh, extra virgin olive oil and blended in small, artisan batches with 100% natural flavor.

It is all it claimed to be. It’s a real buttery flavor and would be great for dipping bread into or with seafood. I don’t know, I ate it with tortilla chips because I was like, “get in my mouth!”

Cilantro & Onion 
I got this blend Cilantro & Roasted Onion EVOO and I can’t be happier with it. I used it with some homemade guac – just the avocado, touch of salt and touch of this and I was so happy. 

Made with the perfectly blended flavors of roasted, sweet Cippolini onions and cilantro. Wonderful with sautéed vegetables, and excellent as a marinade for meat, fish and poultry. Pairs well with our Honey Ginger White Balsamic Condimento.

I also drizzled it on my fav blend of spinach and sweet potato salad (check out Salad Remix) and it was like eating a whole new delicious food.

The cilantro and onion are so nicely balanced that people who don't like cilantro right off the bat might enjoy this. Cilantro is one of those herbs - you are either in with it, or not. I find it's not overpowering but I do like cilantro. It would be great over some veggies. Mm. I want some now. 

I hope this place doesn't close down because I will be drinking this oil for as long as I can.

Yes, they also have vinegar. I can’t have vinegar – so, that’s not an area I care about. It does make a great gift, a pairing of a vinegar and oil.


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