Apr 15, 2015

Foxy Mug - The Best of Amazon Haul

I think I would get more attention if I called this an "Amazon Haul." Hauls are all the rage right now. People do yard sale hauls and makeup hauls and. . well, you get the idea. 

I ordered this awesome mug from Amazon dot com after seeing it on my Polyvore app thing when I was doing this thing. . wait. .never mind. I bought this on Amazon -  that's a better sentence!

It's the Foxy Tail Mug and it is holding my coffee very nicely!

I would like to point out this is totally a left-handed mug if you want the face to face away from you. Maybe you want it to face you, I don't know. I feel like the face should be looking out at people.

Which bring me to a totally unrelated but weird conversation I had. Since I work in a corporate office, I brought in this Velcro catch thing - you have two paddled that you attach to your hand and then this tennis ball you throw sticks to it. Anyhow, while I was throwing it across a bank of cubes, my coworker is like, "You're left-handed?"

Is this a thing? Like, is this what left-handed people deal with on a daily?

"Are you [dum dumm dummm!] LEFT-HANDED?!"

I don't know how to answer this question, actually. Do I throw with my left-hand? Yes. Do I drive with only my left hand? Yes.

But I write with my right-hand.

Anyhow, I said something like, "Why? And then "I throw with my left-hand" and he kept asking. Like it was weird.

I only write about this because it happens every time I go to chunk stuff. I would never notice what hand someone else's uses.

Yeah. Take that, 5 minutes of your life you won't get back!


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