Oct 23, 2015

Writing, Writing - Brutal Fighting

I’ve been writing and re-writing up a storm lately – which is good, because if I’m going to have to sit and drink and watch football, I can amuse myself with writing.

Some of the major problems are that I have huge chunks of “missing reality time” because I am so mentally focused in another world. Ok, that’s really the major problem. While I get such joy and fulfillment out of investing myself in these characters and stories, it is brutal work. I don't leave my place for days, it feels. Nothing gets done. But it seems to be over in a snap. 

And now that I spend all this time spinning my creative wheels, I wish I could get some honest feedback on my little series – how does one go about doing that? Most people I know are far too busy to read things. . mm. .that they don’t actually want to read. And getting honest feedback is also hard. An actual critique not based on, "Well, I don't actually like stories about ____" or "It's so great with the good stuff."

Oh, and I have no idea where or how to get something like this published. That’d be cool those. Real goal there. Finish and get UNNAMED series published. Gotta get the ideas flowing!

I also wish I could surround myself with other creative people - other writers. People to talk shop with. Sometimes it's hard because really all I want to do is avoid people. I was part of a fantastic writing group and we were all supportive and all had different styles and I just felt so alive talking and working with them. 

Then it broke apart because we secretly hated each other and had no ambition. 

Oh well. Back to corporate America to get the monies.


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