May 27, 2012

Manda's Century: Two in One

Did you miss my post last weekend about my riding? Probably not. So, I got a little lazy and didn't post last week. It is just annoying taking the screenshots of my rides.

Last Week
A good week! I did 47.78 miles with two rides.

I had a busy week! And I did 39.4 miles. I would have done 40 but the device on my bike that tells me my mileage (I'm sure it has a real name) is set for larger tires and said I did 37 miles. When I got home and checked RunKeeper, I saw I was .6 off from 40 miles.

This Week
Bike buddy break
I had some company on my long ride this week, which was nice. I had gotten use to going out on my own and fighting through the rough parts alone.

I was a nice shift to have someone pushing me along - and we did go at quite a good clip.

My phone rebooted half way through the ride, and while my friend tagged me on her RunKeeper ride, I don't know if it saved on my activities.

However, it was a good 30.67 miles bringing my total mileage for the week to 41.35.

Manda's Century
You can follow my biking adventures by checking out my Manda's Century Ride page. It lists (in convenient bullet form) the lessons I have learned and has links to each of my biking related posts.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at with your suggestion.


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