Oct 16, 2011

Manda's Century: 40%

After a nice ride last weekend at the Central Bucks Bicycle Club (CBBC) 31st Annual Covered Bridges Bike Ride, I knew it was time to up my game.

I had a bad week - as far as riding - only booking about 3 miles until the weekend. Since I was pretty well rested, I figured it was time to hit the 40 mile mark. I figured, I would lose some pace doing it but had a route mapped out in my head.

I failed biker math. Totally. I did circle after circle toward the end, waiting for my Droid to tell me I hit the magical 40 mile marker and it never happened. I finally gave up checking and trying to add up the mileage  and going back and forth on the same legs of the path and stopped at my car. My final stats:

I managed to cut off about 11 seconds on my pace even though my mileage was (ahem) 10 miles more.

To celebrate, I did update my Facebook page to read:

Had a 40% survival rate. . .now 40% to my Century Ride. Or. .39.13%

Feels good. I'm looking forward to doing an honest 40 miles next weekend and also doing at least 10 miles for my short ride.

Manda's Century
You can follow my biking adventures by checking out my Manda's Century Ride page. It lists (in convenient bullet form) the lessons I have learned and has links to each of my biking related posts.

Be Part of the Adventure
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestion.


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