Feb 15, 2016

Writing Update!

I found a friend who shares the writing compulsion and we have formed a writing group. We came up with a name. Then I made us a logo. 'Cause I'm crazy.

As Safe As Horses! Yeah. The email is great "assafeashorses@gmail.com."


Hopefully, new group will offer that. It's also really nice to be around someone else who shares the writing stuff. He does mostly poetry - which I tend to dislike - it takes a lot to move me. He recently sent me about 6 poems and I was surprised how many I liked.

Anyhow, writing update!

I have completed up to story 10 of 32? I might end up altering the final number of stories. At this point, stuff is still going good, I believe. I just need people to give me feedback and provide me some editing. Much harder than it seems.

I really was struggling with 10, until I just started another plot and that popped out fairly quickly. So, 11 is on deck while 10 was done. I just left myself with a fairly important and no-backies plot situation and I was unsure if I wanted it to continue the way it was. Morals. You know.

Writing is often talked about as if a book or piece is a "baby" - which is horrible because babies are people and not just completely controlled and creative-perfect constructs.

To me. . .writing is like throwing up. I feel it bubbling inside of me. It hurts inside. It dwells and mixes with whatever I most recently consumed. Then, in a fit of uncontrollable reaction, I puke forth this thing.

Or I take a lot of meds and the stories stay quiet inside of me.

But, they stories are always there. At middle-age, I didn't know people didn't have stories like this inside of them. There are always people and things waltzing around in there.

Oh well. Back to writing.

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