Feb 29, 2016

Maddy Responds to: Dumbing Down

A friend posted this on Facebook. . .'cause it's funny.

The video was filmed in Texas by a company called Gorilla Pig and had the description

Gorilla Pig
It's official: the dumbing down of America is a success!!!
“Politically-Challenged” produced by PoliTech. Posted by Gorilla Pig™.

OMG, they found some people who when put on the spot and asked questions that college kids totally should know but probably haven't had to access for years because they got a lot going on. . they say the wrong thing.

Goddamn motherf***ing idiots! Right?! Our world is doomed. So doomed. This is what happens when those people get elected we don't like and stuff we all know should have happened didn't happen and now we have this horrible situation that means we all suffer because everyone but us is dumb!

Break. The. Cycle.
I remember when my parents and grandparents said the same thing about me and my brother and my generation.

How I was dumb, ill-informed, lazy and was ungrateful for everything - also I wore pants, which was just disrespectful. And I didn't know who won the French-Indian War. I couldn't tell you the five major factors that led to World World 1 and until the end of High School, I actually have difficulty remembering the differences between WW1 and WW2. In college, I believe I once said Lyndon B. Johnson was known for flying around the world.

Look, folks. Stop this. This is bullying. This is making a statement for drama.

This is where we are all the same as long as we adhere to the tradition of highlighting how awful younger generations are to feed our own ego. They are not dumb or losers or vapid. They are people. Just like us. And they will do the same amount of great things and horrible things we have done and generations before us have done.

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Feb 22, 2016

Maddy Responds: What Does This Mean?

Wait a minute. .wait a minute. What does this even mean?

So, when you start the journey you are someone who wants to become something and you need to unbecome something to become something because the journey is. . not about becoming anything.

This is BS.

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Feb 17, 2016

Maddy-Monster: You are Important

Just a message

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Feb 15, 2016

Writing Update!

I found a friend who shares the writing compulsion and we have formed a writing group. We came up with a name. Then I made us a logo. 'Cause I'm crazy.

As Safe As Horses! Yeah. The email is great "assafeashorses@gmail.com."


Hopefully, new group will offer that. It's also really nice to be around someone else who shares the writing stuff. He does mostly poetry - which I tend to dislike - it takes a lot to move me. He recently sent me about 6 poems and I was surprised how many I liked.

Anyhow, writing update!

I have completed up to story 10 of 32? I might end up altering the final number of stories. At this point, stuff is still going good, I believe. I just need people to give me feedback and provide me some editing. Much harder than it seems.

I really was struggling with 10, until I just started another plot and that popped out fairly quickly. So, 11 is on deck while 10 was done. I just left myself with a fairly important and no-backies plot situation and I was unsure if I wanted it to continue the way it was. Morals. You know.

Writing is often talked about as if a book or piece is a "baby" - which is horrible because babies are people and not just completely controlled and creative-perfect constructs.

To me. . .writing is like throwing up. I feel it bubbling inside of me. It hurts inside. It dwells and mixes with whatever I most recently consumed. Then, in a fit of uncontrollable reaction, I puke forth this thing.

Or I take a lot of meds and the stories stay quiet inside of me.

But, they stories are always there. At middle-age, I didn't know people didn't have stories like this inside of them. There are always people and things waltzing around in there.

Oh well. Back to writing.

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Feb 10, 2016

Maddy-Monster: Swimming!

Just a message

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Feb 8, 2016

Face Mask - ON

My hubs went to get me some surprise treats from Blue Mercury - which was foot cream. Can't beat having a husband who gets your foot cream in order to rub you feet. It's pretty much the best thing ever - just saying.

Anyhow, with the cream were free samples. Since my husband is uber-hot, he gets a lot of free samples. I get like. . .no samples.

One of the samples was this Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque from Dermalogica. I love a face cream even though I never actually see any results and ultimately forget to use them or re-purchase them - so. . .that's kinda that. I was excited to try this one because it was there.

I'm pretty complex.

Anyhow, Dermalogica promises this product is:
Ultra-replenishing masque helps rescue stressed, aging skin. This revitalizing masque contains powerful, concentrated vitamins A, C, E and F to help skin recover from damage that leads to skin aging, while Vitamin A helps increase elasticity and moisture content, making it the ultimate remedy for dulling, dry, dehydrated, lackluster, photodamaged skin.

All sounds like good stuff! What the hell is photodamaged? Is that a problem that comes from a selfie-stick? What IS that. Oh well. I have sort of bad skin, In fact, in the last few months I have had an un-going white-bump attack. Sure, I love bursting those little sacks, but, be nice to not have them all up and down my jaw line and accenting my temples. Seriously.

Ok, so, the stuff is a whiteish-yellow. Dangerous choice - looks like pus.

It also sort of smells like new car smell and paint. I don't know how I feel about that - I like both those smells. I would think it would smell like. . .maybe. . .rose or something Watercrest?

According to Amazon, most people were favorable toward it. Other than maybe the smell and people breaking out or turning into zombies.

I am curious if I would notice a difference in my skin after a whole tube - for $30-$40, I am not sure I would do it. I think me drinking $30-$40 less alcohol might bring about the same results.

Anyhow, you apply this cream like stuff for about 10 minutes and then wash it off. Goes on and comes off super easy. This is what it looks like.

Yep - that's my review. I would want to try it, I just don't want to spend the money. No bad effects, that's for sure. Makes me want to paint.

Image Credits
Product from company's site.
Insides coming out from Carolinesmode.com/

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Feb 5, 2016

Things I Eat: Orange Anise Chicken Thighs

I'm not sure I can eat olives. IDK, man. IDK.

Here was my out-of-the-box dinner since we have a lot of oranges. No survy here! All I really needed was the anise which is aka as fennel. It tastes great raw, like a light licorice. And I dislike licorice. I'm a complicated person.

What You Need

  • 1 bulb fennel: Slice that into long stripes. Eat some. YOLO.
  • 1 onion: I used a sweet onion  but other recipes say to use red onion. Whatever.
  • Green olives: I got uncurred ones not package in vinegar because of the yeast thing.
  • Garlic: Minced from my jar-stash. I used a healthy soup spoon full.
  • Olive oil for coating
  • 1 orange: Don't peel, just slice them into fourths or eights.
  • A pack of chicken thighs
  • White rice: You know, to serve with it

What You Do
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Combine the fennel, onion, olives, garlic, in a baking dish and mix 'em all up - I think I used my dutch oven because it's how I live.

Season the chicken with paprika and onion powder - use a little oil. Just coat 'em a little with some nice seasoning.

Cook for about 30 minutes, rotate the pan if your oven is a gateway to Hell and unpredictable. Check it after 30 - cook a little longer if you have to. Chicken should not be raw.

Take out of the oven and mix up the onions, olives and orange with the chicken.

This is a delightful dish! I crushed up the orange a little over the chicken and make sure to spoon in some juices. The olives, mine were brine, so it added a punch of salt and sweet. Give it a shot!

This is more of how the artful people make it:Broiled Chicken Thighs with Oranges, Fennel and Green Olives

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Feb 3, 2016

Maddy-Monster: Leaders and Followers

Just a message. . .

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Feb 1, 2016

The 3rd Annual BP Winter Classic Hosted by Lake Placid & Whiteface Mountain

I spent about a week at Lake Placid in the beautiful Northern Light Lodge.

Things that I thought would happen included wendigo, flame throwers and a giant bathtub!

The group of us. . .yeah, it's from Until Dawn

What actually happened was more like skiing and looking at Olympic stuff.

I don't do winter type stuff - I did go skiing once - you can read about it in my post Go Skiing.

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