Nov 23, 2015

Maddie Responds to: Virginia

Every now and then I like to go on Facebook, pick some meme or statement and fact-check it leaving my comments below.

It does wonders for my ego. Yet fills me with. . .what's the word. ..despair. . that we are so easily taken by graphics with bold text on them.

So, here's one I got up on my feed.

This is from the TRACE Facebook page. My comment was:

This claim that homelessness has been "ended" is based on federal standards and definitions and glosses over other federal residency and identification issues. Virginia is also not the first state to claim accomplishing this concept per the “Mayors Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness.” 
Being offered housing and ending homelessness are two separate issues that, again, gloss over the stigma around homelessness and the unique issues and needs surrounding transients - vets or not. Free or affordable housing is a step, but, in reality, it leaves most men, women and children struggling with mental and physical issues and unable to sustain or exist within the government approved parameters of success.  
It sure does sound like one of those politicians running for office is doing his/her best to keep this concept alive for votes. The ultimate responsibly still rests on people like us to protect, support and sustain those in our communities without prejudice while remaining suspicious of such claims that are merely an excuse for complacency.

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