May 14, 2015

Bike to Work: The Closest

It's really nice out and there are a lot of walkers, runner and bikers out there. If you are driving, be aware and don't distract yourself with other activities - any other activities.

Today, I came the closest to being hit by a car than I ever have. According to RunKeeper I have ridden about 2,678 miles in about two years.

I watched as the driver of an SUV approached the curve of the road and then, reached down, checked his phone, drifted into the shoulder and barely pulled it together to avoid hitting me - I was stuck up against the guard rail going uphill with little place to go.

I wouldn't have come out of that collision easily. I was against the guardrail and not strong enough to get more speed than the car heading toward me. It would have been caught between the fender and the guardrail, or me trying to throw myself over the guardrail while still being clipped into my bike.

Cars are really big. I’m really small. If you hit a car with another car – it can be bad, but there’s a good chance with all the safety features and whatnot, people can walk away.

I have almost no proactive safety features – most of them rest with drivers. It rests with drivers, just like you, doing the best you can to stay in your lanes and being aware that you are driving a fast, solid machine capable of inflicting horrible damage in the world. There is little I can do if you decide to text, eat, put on makeup, fiddle with the radio, talk to your child. . .etc.

Quite honestly, all I got are my wits, helmet and a Road ID. That means most of my "safety" is for after an actual collision. The helmet to protect my brain for WHEN it impacts the cement and my Road ID is for WHEN the Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) need to call my husband or parents to inform them of the state and location of my dead or alive body.

I do my best to avoid roads because I don’t want to be hit by a car anymore than I assume someone wants to hit me with a car. Currently, my Bike to Work route has me on a car-sharing road for about .5 miles.

One half of one mile, on a broad shoulder. With crosswalks. Lights. Cyclist symbols.

If you like me - or like someone who sometimes is on the road - remember the next time you feel it’s totally ok to do one other thing while driving, you could be the one responsible for a fatality or severely injuring someone you love.

The next time you see someone choosing to distract themselves while driving - think of what it would feel like to hear someone you love or like or only moderately dislike was killed when a distracted driver hit him/her.

I know I am guilty of checking my phone while driving since I use it as a music player. If I will take away one thing for Bike to Work Week - it is that the only time I will touch my phone or fiddle in my car is when I am stopped.

Let’s keep each other safe out there. We need to be each other’s heroes.


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