Feb 26, 2014

Franklin Institute:MacGyver Night

Yeah, Bob and I were there.

The official ad

How Was It?
It was great. I don't have a lot of pictures, though. My guy, Bob, is a super-MacGyver fan so we were busting through all the exhibits - in a good way!

Most of the exhibits were tables with actual hands-on things based on MacGyver episodes. MacGyver is rich is science, actually, and while what the show showed seemed like magic, it had a good grounding in real things - real like science.

I read some people saying the science was "dumb" - I would be cautious about using such a word. The science was accessible and hands-on. Sure, there was nothing very advanced about setting some helium on fire, but how often do you see that happen? I don't think it was meant to be intense or that in-depth - it was meant to be fun and interesting.

They had a guy picking locks. Whoa. Not really that advanced, but, you could try it yourself. They had a guy making sugar-glass (and giving out some recipes for peanut brittle) that you could smash and eat. It was interactive and there was free booze - and you could see how MacGyver did what he did. Or rather, the science behind the production of everything.

You can read a more professional view of this fun stuff here in the Philly Magazine

Future Plans
To be honest, in checking out everything the Franklin Institute has going on, I sort of want to go back and check out other things. I can't believe I missed a live heart dissection - but, there is a exhibit about the science behind carnivals coming up in April I really would love to go to.


The Adventure Continues
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something and write about it? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestions

Feb 19, 2014


Hey, I got a new look to my blog - it was about time.

So, listen, I have totally been slacking and out of it when it comes to working on this blog. Sure, I posted some thoughts, but, with a couple other people saying they need to get back into this sort of stuff, I think I need to give it a try again.

I am using what I learned about what I can and cannot do to make this blog somewhat better than it has been.

I have learned that my life is not that exciting - I am going to reduce the amount of posts to one a week on Wednesdays. That'll help keep the content coming at a consistent rate and help me actually generate some good stuff.

I hope you think about following me or giving me some tips. Keep a look out for me on Wednesdays!

The Adventure Continues
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something and write about it? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestions

Feb 5, 2014

Beauty or Value

A wealthy king was touring his kingdom alone on his finest horse. Along the way, he was beset by a band of thieves. They robbed him, stripped him of his finery and ran off with his horse. He began the long walk home and found himself lost. Hungry, thirsty and tired he came across a well. He eagerly pulled up the bucket for a drink – and to his dismay, he found only beautiful. gold.

People are obsessed with beauty. Or rather, they hear enough about beauty to become obsessed with it. Everything needs to be beautiful and you can never call anything that could be defined as a noun anything but beautiful.

And here’s the problem.

When everyone uses the term “beauty” or “beautiful” they mean “has value.” Try it. Take anything that has the word “beauty” in it and replace it with “has value” and it will mean the same thing.

Because only beautiful things have value so we need to tell everyone and everything they are beautiful.

I think it’s a problem. And I think it’s very defeating.

When someone asks if something is beautiful, we know what it means. It is a question - Do you think this item is visually appealing – or appealing to your senses? Because we are all human, some things are not appealing.

I’m sorry, I don’t find baby’s beautiful. I don’t find certain art beautiful. I don’t think some people are beautiful.

But I still value them.

We are building campaigns like stairs, one on top of another trying to make the word “beautiful” mean “valuable.”

Maybe we should stop convincing ourselves we find things “beautiful” and start the thought process that beauty doesn't mean value.

Listen, World: I value you for so much more than just your ability to please my senses. I will not be ashamed when my senses are pleased but I will not be callus when something doesn’t please them, either.

Beauty does not equal value.

The Adventure Continues
Do you have a suggestion or want to see me attempt something and write about it? Drop me an email at AdventuringAmanda@gmail.com with your suggestions